Pricing for all types of companies and needs


$5,000 USD

A plan created for small development tasks and simple feature additions.

Get started
What's included:
200 Hours of Development Time
Extra hours at $50/hr
Frontend and Backend only
Normal Support


$5,000 USD

A plan created for small development tasks and simple feature additions.

Get started
What's included:
200 Hours of Development Time
Extra hours at $50/hr
Frontend and Backend only
Normal Support


$10,000 USD

A plan created for small development tasks and simple feature additions.

Get started
What's included:
500 Hours of Development Time
Extra hours at $45/hr
Data Science & Infrastructure
Dedicated Support


$10,000 USD

A plan created for small development tasks and simple feature additions.

Get started
What's included:
500 Hours of Development Time
Extra hours at $45/hr
Data Science & Infrastructure
Dedicated Support


$25,000 USD

A plan created for small development tasks and simple feature additions.

Get started
What's included:
1000 Hours of Development Time
Extra hours at $40/hr
AI & Machine Learning
Dedicated Team of Devs


$25,000 USD

A plan created for small development tasks and simple feature additions.

Get started
What's included:
1000 Hours of Development Time
Extra hours at $40/hr
AI & Machine Learning
Dedicated Team of Devs

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